Friday 4 October 2019

Statement of intent

For my TV drama I plan to use media language to create a TV drama that will be tense, mysterious and exciting. Using these themes should enable my video to appeal to the 16-25 target audience. The actors I will be using in my TV drama are aged 17, so the target audience will be able to relate to them and their experiences when watching it. I will use a variety of locations and sets to make my TV drama unique. These locations include some woods, country roads running parallel to a reservoir, and the downstairs of a house. I will also be using a range of camera shots and angles, form mid-shot to close-ups, with close-ups being an important part of the video, as it adds to the mysterious feel. The music in my video is one of the most important aspects, so I will carefully select a soundtrack that will fit each scene, so for the action scenes the music will be more-fast paced, and for the more dramatic, tense scenes the music will be slower. I will use a mix of scenes to keep the target audience interested, as the younger audience struggle to watch longer videos with extended dialogue. These scenes include a driving montage, a fight scene, a slower, more tense scene with an ambush attack, and a dialogue scene between the two main characters. This gives my video a good balance between story and action, and it should keep the 16-25 audience interested throughout. I will also use a variety of SFX to complement this, for example lighting effects to give the video a darker look, and sound effects to amplify the background noises to add a dramatic effect.

For the website of my TV drama, I will make sure to have the basic conventions of website design, including the poster and the title of my product being dominant on the main page. There will also be a bar with different tabs at the top of the page. These tabs will be ‘about’, ‘cast and crew’ and ‘shop’. There will also be links to official social media pages on the main page, which is appropriate for the 16-25 target audience as they are the primary users of social media, and audience interaction is important in film and television, with the viewers having a large influence on various TV shows and films. These social media links will include Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. I will also make sure to give the website an interesting layout as it needs to catch the reader’s eye, so I will also put behind the scenes articles with other stills from the video on the website to tease the reader and build up excitement for the TV drama.

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any production, as it is the main way that people will see it and tell other people about it. For my TV drama the main part of branding will be the poster, therefore I have to make it unique to ensure that it stands out from other posters, as this is the main factor that could make people decide whether they want to watch the show. It is important that this is repeated across all social media platforms, for example posting the poster and trailer on both Twitter and Instagram, to make sure that I reach a wide audience with my product. Using social media as the main medium for branding is essential as that is the main way that the 16-25 target audience will hear about the TV drama. Therefore, I need to make sure that the poster and the trailer and any other promotional content will appeal to this audience.

Insight audio visual